More than an NGO
Project Wings is now more than just an environmental protection organization. Wings World includes digital and resource-saving tools for the hotel industry, advice for aid organizations and much more.

As a young and creative team, we can’t keep our feet still. So it’s no wonder that we are constantly coming up with new ideas to make environmental protection socially acceptable in the face of global challenges. So since 2019, more and more ideas and initiatives have been accumulating around Project Wings. The different companies are implemented by one team: the Project Wings team.
Wings Life

In the Wings Life online store, we offer a large selection of products for your sustainable everyday life. We pay attention to the sustainability of our product range. As a Wings member (regular donor) you always receive a 25% discount on our entire range!
Wings Experience

The Wings Experience was founded so that more people can put their initiatives on a healthy footing. As the name suggests, the knowledge and experience of founding Project Wings is passed on to associations and individuals.
Wings Ambassador

Our team has grown steadily since it was founded in 2019. Even familiar faces are fully behind our project. Their reach makes our concerns heard. Together we show that everyone really can make a difference!
Every night can make a difference
The Wings Coin is a simple and digital way for guests to voluntarily cancel their room cleaning in hotels. For every order canceled, the guest receives a reward in the form of a free drink or other attractive offers.
All he has to do is scan a QR code on a display in his room. The hotel receives an e-mail at a desired time from the housekeeping team, in which all canceled room cleanings for the following day can be found.
With every single cleaning we save, we protect the environment and reduce the workload on cleaning staff.
We also provide the hotel with numerous videos, social media templates and other material free of charge to raise awareness of sustainability and CSR among guests and employees.
The hotel can decide for itself what environmental contribution it would like to make to our organization for each cleaning ordered.
With the Wings Coin and the simple technical implementation of the idea, we were named “Startup of the Year 2022” and won the fundraising prize for the best cooperation between NGOs and companies. We also won the Rhineland-Palatinate Tourism Award in the Innovation category and inspired former national goalkeeper René Adler to become an honorary patron.
Please find attached further information and our website.
Project Wings
Founder & Managing Director
Area of responsibility: Finance & Corporate Cooperation
Mission: Build the largest recycling village in the world
Favorite sustainability tip: walk
Favorite product from the store: Toothpaste in a jar
Founder & authorized signatory
Responsibilities: Marketing, PR, Team
Mission: Make environmental protection socially acceptable!
Favorite sustainability tip: More plants, fewer animals
Favorite product from the store: Muesli tin

Area of responsibility: Face to face fundraising
Mission: Passing on a healthy world to my son
Favorite sustainability tip: take a cold shower
Favorite product from the store: Nail file
Responsibilities: German project manager in Sumatra
MissionThe largest recycling village in the world and a palm oil-free zone. Permaculture instead of monoculture
Favorite sustainability tip: Gocontainer shopping – food should not be thrown away
Favorite product from the store: Deo Stick: Persian Lime

Responsibilities: Civil engineer
Mission: keeping the earth livable through creativity & science
Favorite sustainability tip: Consume consciously!
Favorite product from the store: FUNKY pineapple necklace
Responsibilities: Project management Indonesia
Mission: Social justice
Favorite sustainability tip: Essentialism: less is more.
Favorite product from the store: Bamboo towel

Responsibilities: Administration, event management
Mission: To keep my scout promise from before
Favorite sustainability tip: It doesn’t always have to be new
Favorite product from the store: Sumatra Sweater (blue)
Area of responsibility: Wings Coin
Mission: to leave the places a little bit better than we found them
Favorite sustainability tip: Quality instead of quantity
Favorite product from the store: reusable make-up remover pads

Area of responsibility: Co-founder Head of Wings Experience
Favorite sustainability tip: Pimping old things
Favorite product from the store: Bento Box
Area of responsibility: Environmental education
Mission: Shaping the future for a green world
Favorite sustainability tip: Plant power for a better world
Favorite product from the store: Ben&Anna toothpaste

Area of responsibility: Online store
Mission: To find the mission
Favorite sustainability tip: Buy more regional products
Favorite product from the store: Mushroom pesto
Area of responsibility: Environmental education
Mission: Secret mission
Favorite sustainability tip: Showering in pairs saves water
Favorite product from the store: Bamboo thermos flask
Responsibilities: Intern
Mission: even the little things count
Favorite sustainability tip: Use public transport
Favorite product from the store: Project Wings x Liberty Roots sweater
Responsibilities: Yoga teacher and fruit supplier
Mission: to make yourself and others happy
Favorite sustainability tip: consume organic and locally
Favorite product from the store: Wings Pride bracelet
Our organization has convinced you and you think what we have achieved so far is strong? We can achieve even more with you. Become part of us and help us to make environmental protection socially acceptable. We are always looking for likeable, open-minded people who...